Key learning resources: What you need, when you need it, and how you need it.
We offer e-courses from beginners to advanced system thinkers. After completing the e-book and e-course, you will be equipped to implement concrete actions to achieve faster learning and improved interaction throughout your organization.
Take contact with Bjarne Berg Wig to listen more about this course.

Next webinar: Everyday Learning. How to frame the transformation for learning culture transformation.
Date and time: (To be determined soon)
Hosts: Bjarne Berg Wig and Samer Hamadeh)
Please click on "contact us" and send us your name and e-mail address. We will follow-up with information for the webinar.

The book gives leaders, union representatives and other change leaders the knowledge needed to move from an outdated system of goal management, bureaucracy and hierarchy - to a society that removes waste of all forms and frees the vas and often hidden resources that lie in all people.
Learning organizations describe the necessary breakdown from the current goal and result management to real learning organizations and learning systems. The book consists of three parts. The first part, "Past", raises the question: Why did we end up in this disorder, and how do we get out of it? Part two, "Present Time," is about how we go from "introducing Lean" and continuous improvement to becoming a true learning organization. The last part, "Future", asks: How do we develop self-organizing and open participatory organizations?
A red thread throughout the book is system thinking. System thinking is awareness of how systems work and how we think about them. To transform the organizations, we must change how we think. The book is for people who want to become better thinkers.
See the book resources
Lean is about creating products and services with the most value and least possible loss of resources by focusing on flow, transparent processes and continues improvement.
Lean is fairly simple principles and methods. This book and related digital resources are designed for breakthroughs for Lean in our way: The goal is a turning point where working with continuous improvement and learning in the workplace becomes commonplace, and where all managers and employees in municipalities and businesses are active in improvement and renewal work.
It is about moving from work as an effective execution to looking at work as a learning process.
Part I explains how we develop a breakthrough strategy. The goal of this section is for leaders and union representatives to understand what is required of them and how to develop a good plan.
Part II deals with the specific methods and tools for introducing and developing Lean in a municipal or private enterprise. This part forms the pre-conditions for part III
Part III is new in this edition and deals with the development of real learning organizations. Here we explain what a true learning organization is, and methods and tools for continuous improvement and renewal are presented. This section is about learning leadership and the use of guidance, coaching and problem-solving dialogue. Part III point forward to what remains after the term Lean goes into history.

Quality Improvement as a Craft (Hydro Media 1996) was the main training material for continuous improvement teams in Norway in many years. It is still very valid and gives an overview of many of the methods and tools we today know under the name Lean. The book is still used in teaching at academic courses. The author Bjarne Berg Wig is the founder of Institute for Learning organizations.
Please contact us with your name and e-mail address and we will follow-up with your book order.
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